Saturday, March 1, 2008

Michael's baptism

Mikey was baptized on February 17. We attended the preparation class before he was born, but the actual date was chosen with rather short notice. It was either that or wait until the end of March or later. I made his baptismal outfit from fabric left over from my wedding dress and Bill's mom planned a nice brunch for after the service.

Bridget was very excited about the baptism. There was a baptism during Mass late last year and we told her that the new baby would be baptized when he was born. She was against it at first ("no Baby Bean get bathtized"), but by Christmas we convinced her that it would be a good idea. After that it was hard to keep her away from the font.

For those of you who were in Michigan that day, the 17th began with freezing rain and terrible roads. Mass attendance was low and several people we had hoped to be there were unable to make it, but our families and the godparents arrived safely. The service was nice, though brief and lacking some things I was expecting. Regardless, witnessing the sacrament was beautiful and our family was there to share it with us. Michael was awake for most of the Mass and hardly made a noise the whole time. It's not obvious from the pictures, but he's barefoot because I forgot to bring his socks and shoes to the church!

Friday, February 29, 2008

How the months fly...

Last post I was pregnant and worrying about the baby. Today I am typing with a beautiful baby boy sleeping on my lap. His name is Michael Andrew. He was born on January 25, 11 days late, at 2:27 pm. They had to induce labor since Michael showed no signs of coming on his own. Labor and delivery went well and resulted in a boy who was 9 pounds 2 ounces and 22.5 inches long. That's a far cry from the small baby predicted by all the measurements. Michael had to spend a couple hours in the special care nursery to clear his lungs but we were both doing so well that they let us go home after 24 hours. Bridget adored her baby brother right from the start.

Now a month later, Mikey weighs over 10 pounds and is 23 inches long. Bridget is doing a great job of helping out. I wish I could say that Mikey sleeps through the night like his sister did at this age. Unfortunately he wants to eat every two hours at night and get his extra sleep during the day. Bill can't feed the baby but he does help me get as much sleep as I can by getting up with Bridget in the morning so I can sleep in. What a marvelous family I have!